Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Joaquin En Espanol Bybee!!!

So in our efforts to kindly force Nana and Kohl to speak Spanish we told them that Joaquin doesn't understand English, he only speaks Spanish. Whenever they speak to me I always say, "en espanol" and they try their best to translate whatever they are saying.

Yesterday, the 3 kids were in the playroom when I heard, "Joaquin En Espanol Bybee!!"

I guess I have a thing for saying their full names when I mean business and Kohl meant business yesterday when he was telling Joaquin to stop putting things in his mouth. I don't even know what to say about the name, except that it is hillarious. Joaquin en Espanol Bybee better stop messing around because Kohl is watching.

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

April Fools


Hey Mom look, Santa Claus is standing behind you
bursts into laughter
April Fool's Day!

Hey Mom, there's a car parked behind you (mind you I am in the middle of the family room)
April Fool's Day

Mom, you hit the van with the garage door
WHAT?? I yelled
April Fool's Day!
That's not funny Kohl...he laughs anyway.