Let's just say that the kids had fun.
This turned out to be the worst day I had in Hawaii.
As I mentioned, Spencer had some meetings one evening and so he thought it would be a good idea to find a nice beach in Waikiki, spend a few hours together and then leave me and the kids there while he went to his meetings. He'd be back in a couple hours...seemed like a good plan right? Well, the fun lasted for about 45 minutes after he left and I just figured I had to hold it together for a bit longer until he got back. It was torture!!! The kids didn't care to swim because I wasn't swimming, so they played in the grass for some time and then it started raining. That was the beginning of the end.
Meanwhile, Spencer thought we were all having a "blast" and because I didn't pick up the phone (my phone was dead (classic Irene right?)) he decided to run a few errands. Dead phone, no cash and all I wanted to do was call to tell him how miserable I was and to come pick me up...RIGHT NOW...PICK ME UP NOW!!
We waited...and waited...and waited...hanging out with the homeless...in the rain...in Waikiki.
Rain stops, kids are tired and hungry and of course they ask me for food. I told them I didn't have anything to pay with so Kohl turns and pointing says, "Look, they are getting food, see?" Apparently there was a line formed in front of a van that was feeding the homeless. It was hard to know what was going on because the line was mostly tourists, too cheap to pay for a meal.
The menu was pasta, split-pea soup, and ciabatta bread and the kids would NOT stop asking me go there. I didn't let them line up, but I did let them grab a bun from the table. They wouldn't stop asking!!...so embarrassing!!!! Stealing left-overs from the homeless. Wish I had a picture to show you, but clearly Joaquin was hanging around my neck and I was too..."upset"... to take a picture.
You know what they say... "What 'can' go wrong 'will' go wrong"
Gosh...so many lessons learned!
I'll just name a few: always have cash, make sure your phone is charged, look at the weather forecast!
That comment above is from Marlon btw. Sorry about your crappy day. I can't imagine anything so horrible as being stranded with no money & hungry little kids. Well at least it was in beautiful Hawaii :)
You are so hilarious! I can just picture you guys now. I would have been freaking out too. I'm sure you gave Spenc a mouth full when he finally came to get you. Hope you got a spa treatment after that!
A mouthful of what?...ciabatta?
I'm with Marlon on this one... ;)
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