Thursday, January 15, 2009

Teaching again!

It is my drug. I love teaching and I miss it when I am not doing it. So this time I am teaching Spanish. 6 kids between the ages of 2 and 3 and also 6 kids between the ages of 6 and 7. Arianna can't get enough of the "Hola Hola" song and Kohl only rolls his eyes when he hears it. My kids are loving it as much as my students. It is such an experience to see and feel the enthusiasm of a child that is loving learning. I want to hug them and kiss them and tell them all how proud I am. It has been two weeks and I feel so rejuvenated already...and a bit stressed too:-)


familia Bybaran said...

Cool! I didn't know you were doing this again. That's great.

Campbell Family said...

Wow...good for you! You always amaze me with all the things you do:) I've been wanting to ask you to teach me to Salsa???? I need to learn how to shake my bootie. Just the thought of it makes me laugh!